AceQL Product features
Features & Details | |
SQL Databases | |
Open source databases: MariaDb, MySQL, PostgreSQL | |
Oracle Database | |
Microsoft SQL Server | |
IBM DB2 | |
SQL Types | |
Main SQL types: Boolean, Integer, Short, Double, Float, BigDecimal, Long, String, Date, Time, Timestamp | |
Array type | |
BLOB & CLOB types | |
SQL Operations | |
DML operations (DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, …) | |
Batch commands | |
DCL operations (GRANT, REVOKE, ...) | |
DDL operations (CREATE, ALTER, DROP, RENAME, …) | |
JDBC API metadata calls from client-side All JDBC metadata APIs are callable from the client side, allowing you to use database viewers with the AceQL Client JDBC Driver: DBeaver, DbVisualizer, etc. | |
Connections Management | |
Tomcat JDBC Connection Pooling | |
Support any JDBC Pooling Connection framework (DBCP, HikariCP, C3P0, etc.) | |
Full control of Connection release in the pool Allows you to trigger Java events before and after the release of the Connection to the Pool | |
Unlimited simultaneous JDBC Connections per database | |
SQL Data | |
Unlimited SELECT result set size | |
Limiting maximum size of SELECT result | |
Stored Procedures | |
SQL stored procedures | |
Java AceQL stored procedures Call from client-side Java programs that directly return a formatted, ready-to-use ResultSet created on the server side. | |
User Authentication | |
Windows, SSH, JDBC Query, LDAP, Web Service Provides ready-to-use classes for authenticating against a Windows server, a Linux server, a SQL table, a LDAP server or a Web service. | |
External authentication without a password Some working environments (Intranet, etc.) require the client user to authenticate themself without a password. This feature allows for client authentication with a session ID. | |
Request headers analysis for validation on server The request headers may be intercepted on the server side by the validate() method of a Java interface. This feature eases authentication against Cloud services that use request headers, such as AWS. | |
SQL Firewalling | |
Firewall rules creation using Java Dependency Injection | |
Ready-to-use firewall chained rules set Easily build firewall rules by chaining provided, ready-to-use classes. | |
Firewall rules set definition using a CSV file Define complex firewall rules using only a CSV file loaded at server startup. Each SQL query is performed against the content of the CSV file. | |
Trigger code/action if attack is detected | |
Running Options | |
Java ThreadPoolExecutor fine tuning Allows you to define all the parameters of the java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor instance used to execute all servlet requests in async mode. | |
Update listeners Allows defining Java code to execute after a successful SQL database update is done. Update Listeners can be viewed as a kind of Java "trigger" executed on the completion of SQL updates. Much easier to code and use than SQL database vendors specific listeners. | |
JDBC Connection pool monitoring servlet Allows you to define servlets that can interact with AceQL Web Server (in order to query info about JDBC pools in use, or modify a pool size, etc.) | |
Controlling the AceQL Web Server from a program Allows you to start and stop the AceQL Web Server from a Java program. | |
HTTP/2 Support | |
Running AceQL directly in a Servlet container (Tomcat, JBoss, etc.) | |
Cryptography | |
Properties file encryption In order to protect configuration passwords and other confidential values from eavesdropping, each property value may be replaced by an encrypted value in the main properties file. | |
Support | |
Professional Support |