

billed annually 

  • Database Products:
    MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL
  • Running Databases in Production:
    up to 2 database names* in your organization
  • Support:


billed annually 

  • Database Products:
    MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL,
    MS SQL Server, Oracle Database
  • Running Databases in Production:
    up to 4 database names* in your organization 
  • Support:
    Top Priority



  • Database Products:
    MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL,
    MS SQL Server, Oracle Database,
    IBM DB2
  • Running Databases in Production:
  • Support:
    Top Priority
    Dedicated Phone Number


AceQL HTTP’s software is licensed under the AceQL HTTP BSL, which allows source code access and free use in non-production environments.

Please note that AceQL is not free software and that a subscription is required in order to run in production.

The Basic plan allows running up to 2 Open-Source database names* in production in your organization.

The Professional or Enterprise plan is required in order to run more than 2 database names* and/or run MS SQL Server or Oracle Database in production. 

AceQL’s BSL is based on Business Source License (BSL) version 1.1 developed by MariaDB. This license has been adopted by other commercial open-source projects like CockroachDB.

The BSL also carries an expiration date (“change date”), after which the licensed work reverts to a more permissive license of the author’s choice (Apache License 2.0 in our case). Each major release can carry an updated change date, allowing the author to extend the BSL’s coverage into the future for new releases. The existence of a change date means that should the original project’s author(s) abandon the project, it will eventually fall into a more permissive open-source license and can be taken over by the community.

*database name: This should be understood as the applicative name of the database to which your applications connect. Examples of database names: “sales,” “inventory” and ”employees”. This differs of course from the database product name like “MySQL” and “SQL Server.”